
const debug = require('debug')('opengram:core')
const Telegram = require('./telegram')
const Composer = require('./composer')
const { OpengramContext: Context } = require('./context')
const generateCallback = require('./core/network/webhook')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const { URL } = require('url')
const { compactOptions } = require('./core/helpers/compact')
const { showWarning } = require('./core/helpers/utils')

const botInfoPromiseSymbol = Symbol('botInfoPromise')

Looks like you try to access session object, but session not available in this context.

There are several reasons why this error occurs:
- session registration occurs below the handler in which you want to access, for example like this:

bot.on('message', ctx => ...)

If this is the case, all you need to do is move the session up:

bot.on('message', ctx => ...)

- The session is not registered. In this case, following the example of the first paragraph,
you need to connect the session, having previously exported it from the package

Looks like you try to enter to scene, but Stage not available in this context.

There are several reasons why this error occurs:
- stage registration occurs below the handler in which you want to access, for example like this:

bot.on('message', ctx => ...)
bot.use(new Stage([...]))

If this is the case, all you need to do is move the Stage up:

bot.use(new Stage([...]))
bot.on('message', ctx => ...)

- The Stage is not registered. In this case, following the example of the first paragraph,
you need to register the Stage, having previously exported it from the package.

Do not forget to register session, because Stage uses session to store data.

 * @type {{handlerTimeout: number, retryAfter: number, contextType: OpengramContext}}
  retryAfter: 1,
  handlerTimeout: 2000,
  contextType: Context

const noop = () => { }

 * @module Opengram

 * The main class that implements receiving updates and setting up the bot before starting
 * A Opengram bot is an object containing an array of middlewares which are composed and executed in a stack-like
 * manner upon request. Is similar to many other middleware systems that you may have encountered such as Koa,
 * Ruby's Rack, Connect.
 * Middleware is an essential part of any modern framework. It allows you to modify requests and responses as they pass
 * between the Telegram and your bot.
 * You can imagine middleware as a chain of logic connection your bot to the Telegram request.
 * Middleware normally takes two parameters (ctx, next), ctx is the context for one Telegram update, next is a function
 * that is invoked to execute the downstream middleware. It returns a Promise with a then function for running code
 * after completion.
 * ```js
 * const bot = new Opengram(process.env.BOT_TOKEN)
 * bot.use(async (ctx, next) => {
 *   const start = new Date()
 *   await next()
 *   const ms = new Date() - start
 *   console.log('Response time: %sms', ms)
 * })
 * bot.on('text', (ctx) => ctx.reply('Hello World'))
 * bot.launch()
 * ```
 * @extends Composer
class Opengram extends Composer {
   * @typedef {object} OpengramOptions
   * @property {TelegramOptions} telegram Telegram options
   * @property {string} [username] Bot username, used if you don't call `bot.launch()`
   * @property {boolean} [channelMode=false] If `true`, channel posts can be matched as `text` update type
   * @property {number} [retryAfter=1] Interval for retrying long-polling requests in seconds
   * @property {Infinity|number} [handlerTimeout=2000] Maximum interval waiting update processing with long-polling,
   *   before getting new updates. Pass `Infinity` to always wait for processing complete. Pass `0` (zero) for
   *   disable waiting
   * @property {OpengramContext} [contextType] Custom context class

   * @param {string} token Bot token given by [@BotFather](
   * @param {OpengramOptions} [options] Opengram options
  constructor (token, options) {
    this.options = {
    this.token = token

    this.handleError = async err => {
        'You see this message because no error handler is registered. By default, all errors from handlers ' +
        '(middleware) fall into the Opengram#catch handler (most known as `bot.catch`). Please register error handler ' +
        'before start update processing.'
      console.error((err.stack || err.toString()).replace(/^/gm, '  '))
      throw err

    this.context = {}
    this.polling = {
      offset: 0,
      started: false

   * Setter for bot token
   * @param {string} token Bot token
  set token (token) {
    this.telegram = new Telegram(token, this.telegram
      ? this.telegram.options
      : this.options.telegram

   * Getter for bot token
   * @return {string} Bot token
  get token () {
    return this.telegram.token

   * Setter for bot username
   * @param {string} username Bot token
  set username (username) {
    this.context.username = this.options.username = username

   * Getter for bot username
   * @return {string} Bot token
  get username () {
    return this.options.username

   * Setter for enabling / disabling for webhook reply. if assigned `true` - webhook reply enabled
   * @param {boolean} webhookReply Value
  set webhookReply (webhookReply) {
    this.telegram.webhookReply = webhookReply

   * Returns the status of the webhook reply (enabled / disabled). if `true` is returned, the webhook reply is enabled
   * @return {boolean}
  get webhookReply () {
    return this.telegram.webhookReply

   * Sets default error handler for Opengram errors.
   * For example if you throw synchronous error or `return` / `await` promise was rejected, it calls this handler,
   * if one is set. If it has not been set - the bot may crash, if some handler like `process.on`
   * does not handle the error.
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram } = require('opengram')
   * const bot = new Opengram('token')
   * async function errorFirst() { throw new Error('Some error') }
   * function second() { return Promise.reject(new Error('Some error')) }
   * // Handled with bot.catch()
   * bot.on('message', ctx => { throw new Error('Some error') })
   * // Handled with bot.catch(), because you return promise (async function with await on async ops)
   * bot.hears('asyncFirst', async ctx => { await errorFirst()  })
   * // Handled with bot.catch(), because you return promise (async function with await on async ops)
   * bot.action('asyncSecond', async ctx => { await second()  })
   * // Handled with bot.catch(), because you return promise
   * bot.action('asyncSecond', ctx => errorFirst())
   * // Handled with bot.catch(), because you return promise
   * bot.on('message', ctx => second())
   * // Bot crashed, error not handled
   * bot.action('asyncSecond', ctx => { errorFirst()  })
   * // Bot crashed, error not handled
   * bot.on('message', async ctx => { second()  })
   * bot.catch((err, ctx) => console.log(err, ctx)) // Print error and error context to console, no crash
   * bot.launch() // Start the bot
   * ```
   * @param {Function} handler Error handler accepting error and context
   * @return {Opengram}
  catch (handler) {
    this.handleError = handler
    return this

   * @typedef {object} WebhookCallbackOptions
   * @property {string} [path='/'] Path the server should listen to.
   * @property {string} [secret] A secret token to be sent in a header “X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token”
   *    in every webhook request, 1-256 characters. Only characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.
   *    The header is useful to ensure that the request comes from a webhook set by you.

   * Generates webhook handler middleware for specified path for
   * [Koa]( / [Express](
   * / [Fastify](
   * / NodeJS [http]( or [https]( modules
   * Using example for [express](
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram } = require('opengram')
   * const express = require('express')
   * const app = express()
   * const bot = new Opengram(process.env.BOT_TOKEN)
   * // Set the bot response
   * bot.on('text', ({ replyWithHTML }) => replyWithHTML('<b>Hello</b>'))
   * // Set telegram webhook
   * bot.telegram.setWebhook('')
   * app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'))
   * // Set the bot API endpoint
   * app.use(bot.webhookCallback('/secret-path'))
   * app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Bot listening on port 3000!'))
   * ```
   * @param {WebhookCallbackOptions} config Options
   * @return {Function}
  webhookCallback (config = {}) {
    if (config.path === undefined) config.path = '/'
    return generateCallback(config, (update, res) => this.handleUpdate(update, res), debug)

   * Starts long polling and updates processing with given configuration
   * @param {number} [timeout=30] Timeout in seconds for long polling. Defaults to 30
   * @param {number} [limit=100] Limits the number of updates to be retrieved. Values between 1-100 are accepted.
   *     Defaults to 100.
   * @param {UpdateType|UpdateType[]} [allowedUpdates] Array of allowed updates or update name
   *     For example, specify `["message", "edited_channel_post", "callback_query"]` to only receive
   *     updates of these types. Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the call
   *     to the getUpdates, so unwanted updates may be received for a short period of time.
   * @param {Function} [stopCallback] Function called when bot fully stopped.
   *     If you call `bot.stop()` it be rewritten with other function and never called, for using with `bot.stop`,
   *     you can pass `callback` into `bot.stop` argument, for example `bot.stop(() => console.log('Stopped'))`
   * @return {Opengram}
  startPolling (timeout = 30, limit = 100, allowedUpdates, stopCallback = noop) {
    this.polling.timeout = timeout
    this.polling.limit = limit
    this.polling.allowedUpdates = allowedUpdates
      ? Array.isArray(allowedUpdates) ? allowedUpdates : [`${allowedUpdates}`]
      : null
    this.polling.stopCallback = stopCallback
    if (!this.polling.started) {
      this.polling.started = true
    return this

   * @typedef {object} StartWebhookOptions
   * @property {string} path Path the server should listen to.
   * @property {string} [secret] A secret token to be sent in a header “X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token”
   *    in every webhook request, 1-256 characters. Only characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.
   *    The header is useful to ensure that the request comes from a webhook set by you.

   * Start webhook server based on NodeJS
   * [http]( or [https]( modules on given host, port
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram } = require('opengram')
   * const fs = require('fs')
   * const bot = new Opengram(process.env.BOT_TOKEN)
   * bot.hears('hello', => ctx.reply('hi'))
   * bot.catch(console.log) // Setup error handler
   * // TLS options
   * const tlsOptions = {
   *     key: fs.readFileSync('server-key.pem'), // Private key file
   *     cert: fs.readFileSync('server-cert.pem') // Certificate file,
   *     ca: [
   *       // This is necessary only if the client uses a self-signed certificate.
   *       fs.readFileSync('client-cert.pem')
   *     ]
   * }
   * // Start webhook server
   * bot.startWebhook(
   *   {
   *     path: '/bot',
   *     secret: '1234567890'
   *   },
   *   tlsOptions,
   *   3000 // Port
   *   '', // Host, may use if server have multiple IP adders
   *   (req, res) => { // Custom next handler
   *     res.statusCode = 403
   *     res.end('Not allowed!')
   *   }
   * )
   * // Set telegram webhook
   * // The second argument is necessary only if the client uses a self-signed
   * // certificate. Including it for a verified certificate may cause things to break.
   * bot.telegram.setWebhook('', {
   *   source: 'server-cert.pem'
   * })
   * ```
   * @param {StartWebhookOptions} [options] Webhook options
   * @param {object|null} [tlsOptions] - Options for `https` NodeJS module, see official
   *    [docs](
   * @param {number} [port] Port to listen. Be careful, Telegram only supports 443, 80, 88, 8443 for now.
   * @param {string|null} [host] If host is omitted, the server will accept connections on the unspecified IPv6
   *    address (::) when IPv6 is available, or the unspecified IPv4 address ( otherwise.
   * @param {Function} [nextCb] Next handler function,
   *    called when webhook handler not match path string or request method. May have two arguments - `req`, `res`.
   *    If not specified, by default connection being closed with HTTP status `Forbidden 403`
   * @see
   * @see
   * @return {Opengram}
  startWebhook (options, tlsOptions, port, host, nextCb) {
    const webhookCb = this.webhookCallback(options)
    const callback = nextCb && typeof nextCb === 'function'
      ? (req, res) => webhookCb(req, res, () => nextCb(req, res))
      : webhookCb
    this.webhookServer = tlsOptions != null
      ? require('https').createServer(tlsOptions, callback)
      : require('http').createServer(callback)
    this.webhookServer.listen(port, host, () => {
      debug('Webhook listening on port: %s', port)
    return this

   * Generate secret token for webhook path
   * Returns the same result with the same token and `process.version`
   * @return {string} - 256bit hex string, not really random, based on bot token and `process.version`.
  secretPathComponent () {
    return crypto
      .update(process.version) // salt

   * @typedef {object} PollingConfig
   * @property {Function} [stopCallback] Function called when bot fully stopped.
   *     If you call `bot.stop()` it be rewritten with other function and never called, for using with `bot.stop`,
   *     you can pass `callback` into `bot.stop` argument, for example `bot.stop(() => console.log('Stopped'))`
   * @property {UpdateType|UpdateType[]} [allowedUpdates] Array of allowed updates or update name
   *     For example, specify `["message", "edited_channel_post", "callback_query"]` to only receive
   *     updates of these types. Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the call
   *     to the getUpdates, so unwanted updates may be received for a short period of time.
   * @property {number} [limit=100] Limits the number of updates to be retrieved. Values between 1-100 are accepted.
   *     Defaults to 100.
   * @property {number} [timeout=30] Timeout in seconds for long polling. Defaults to 30

   * @typedef {object} LaunchWebhookOptions
   * @property {string} [path='/opengram'] Path the server should listen to.
   *    By default - `/opengram` or with enabled {@link WebhookConfig#useSecretPath useSecretPath} -
   *   `/opengram/<secret>`
   * @property {string} secret A secret token to be sent in a header “X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token”
   *    in every webhook request, 1-256 characters. Only characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.
   *    The header is useful to ensure that the request comes from a webhook set by you.
   *    If not specified, generates an automatic

   * @typedef {object} WebhookConfig
   * @property {boolean} [useSecretPath=true] Enable legacy mode by using the secret in the URL instead of the
   *    secret header.
   * @property {string} domain Your external server domain For example -
   *    ``, ``, ``.
   *    Used for {@link Opengram.telegram.setWebhook}
   * @property {LaunchWebhookOptions} options Webhook options object. See {@link Opengram#startWebhook} for more
   *   information
   * @property {object} tlsOptions Options for TLS. See {@link Opengram#startWebhook} for more information
   * @property {Function} cb Next handler function, called when webhook handler not match path string or request
   *   method.
   *    See {@link Opengram#startWebhook} for more information
   * @property {number} port Port number. See {@link Opengram#startWebhook} for more information
   * @property {string} host Hostname. See {@link Opengram#startWebhook} for more information
   * @property {string} [ipAddress] The fixed IP address which will be used to send webhook requests instead of the
   *    IP address resolved through DNS
   * @property {number} [maxConnections=40] The maximum allowed number of simultaneous HTTPS connections to the webhook
   *    for update delivery, 1-100. Defaults to 40. Use lower values to limit the load on your bot's server, and higher
   *    values to increase your bot's throughput.

   * @typedef {object} LaunchConfig
   * @property {boolean} [dropPendingUpdates=false] If sets to true, dropping all pending updates which were sent
   *    when bots bot not was started
   * @property {PollingConfig} [polling] Polling configuration
   * @property {WebhookConfig} [webhook] Webhook configuration
   * @property {UpdateType[]} [allowedUpdates] Array of allowed updates for **webhook**.
   *    For example, specify ["message", "edited_channel_post", "callback_query"] to only receive
   *    updates of these types. Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the call
   *    to the setWebhook, so unwanted updates may be received for a short period of time.

   * Launching a bot with a given config
   * @throws Error
   * @param {LaunchConfig} [config] Launch configuration
   * @return {Promise<Opengram>}
  async launch (config = {}) {
    debug('Connecting to Telegram')

    if (this.username === undefined) {
      const botInfoPromise = this[botInfoPromiseSymbol] ?? (this[botInfoPromiseSymbol] = this.telegram.getMe())
      const botInfo = await botInfoPromise
      this.context.username = this.options.username = botInfo.username

    debug(`Launching @${this.username}`)

    if (!config.webhook) {
      const { timeout, limit, allowedUpdates, stopCallback } = config.polling || {}
      await this.telegram.deleteWebhook({ drop_pending_updates: config.dropPendingUpdates })
      await this.startPolling(timeout, limit, allowedUpdates, stopCallback)
      debug('Bot started with long-polling')
      return this

    if (
      typeof config.webhook.domain !== 'string' &&
      typeof config.webhook.path !== 'string'
    ) {
      throw new Error('Webhook domain or webhook path is required')

    let domain = config.webhook.domain || ''

    if (domain.startsWith('https://') || domain.startsWith('http://')) {
      domain = new URL(domain).host

    const hookOptions = {}
    if (!config.webhook.path) {
      const secret = this.secretPathComponent()
      hookOptions.path = config.webhook.useSecretPath ? `/opengram/${secret}` : '/opengram'
      if (!config.webhook.useSecretPath) {
        hookOptions.secret = config.webhook.secret || secret
    } else {
      hookOptions.path = config.webhook.path
    const { port, host, tlsOptions, cb } = config.webhook
    this.startWebhook(hookOptions, tlsOptions, port, host, cb)

    if (!domain) {
      debug('Bot started with webhook')
      return this

    const webHookExtra = {
      drop_pending_updates: config.dropPendingUpdates,
      allowed_updates: config.allowedUpdates,
      ip_address: config.webhook.ipAddress,
      max_connections: config.webhook.maxConnections,
      secret_token: hookOptions.secret

    await this.telegram.setWebhook(`https://${domain}${hookOptions.path}`, webHookExtra)
    debug(`Bot started with webhook @ https://${domain}`)

    return this

   * Stopping the bot. For webhook, it will close the server, for long polling stop getting updates
   * @param {Function} [cb] Callback function, which called when bot fully stopped
   * @return {Promise<void>}
  async stop (cb = noop) {
    debug('Stopping bot...')
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const done = () => resolve() & cb()
      if (this.webhookServer) {
        this.webhookServer.close((err) => {
          if (err) reject(err)
          else done()
      } else if (!this.polling.started) {
      } else {
        this.polling.stopCallback = done
        this.polling.started = false

   * Starting processing array of updates
   * @param {Update[]} updates Array of updates
   * @throws Error
   * @return {Promise}
  async handleUpdates (updates) {
    if (!Array.isArray(updates)) {
      throw new Error('Updates must be an array')

    const { handlerTimeout } = this.options
    const promises = => this.handleUpdate(update))
    const processAll = Promise.all(promises)

    // Always wait for first updates | getMe error handling for first updates
    if (this.username === undefined || handlerTimeout === Infinity) {
      return processAll

    // Don't wait for processing to complete
    if (handlerTimeout === 0) {

    await Promise.race([
      new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, handlerTimeout))

   * Starting processing one update
   * @param {Update} update Update object
   * @param {http.ServerResponse} [webhookResponse] Response object for send webhook reply
   * @throws {Error|TelegramError}
   * @return {Promise}
  async handleUpdate (update, webhookResponse) {
    if (this.username === undefined) {
      debug('Update %d is waiting for `botInfo` to be initialized', update.update_id)
      const botInfoPromise = this[botInfoPromiseSymbol] ?? (this[botInfoPromiseSymbol] = this.telegram.getMe())
      const botInfo = await botInfoPromise
      this.context.username = this.options.username = botInfo.username

    debug('Processing update', update.update_id)
    const tg = new Telegram(this.token, this.telegram.options, webhookResponse)
    const OpengramContext = this.options.contextType
    const ctx = new OpengramContext(update, tg, this.options)

    ctx.session = new Proxy({}, {
      set: () => { showWarning(WARN_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE) },
      get () { showWarning(WARN_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE) },
      deleteProperty: () => { showWarning(WARN_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE) }

    ctx.scene = new Proxy({}, {
      set: () => { showWarning(WARN_STAGE_UNAVAILABLE) },
      get () { showWarning(WARN_STAGE_UNAVAILABLE) },
      deleteProperty: () => { showWarning(WARN_STAGE_UNAVAILABLE) }

    Object.assign(ctx, this.context)

    try {
      await this.middleware()(ctx)
    } catch (err) {
      return await this.handleError(err, ctx)
    } finally {
      if (webhookResponse && webhookResponse.writableEnded === false) {

   * Fetching updates using long polling
   * @private
   * @return {Promise<void>}
  async fetchUpdates () {
    if (!this.polling.started) {
      this.polling.stopCallback && this.polling.stopCallback()

    const { timeout, limit, offset, allowedUpdates } = this.polling

    /** @type {Update[]} */
    let updates = []

    try {
      updates = await this.telegram.getUpdates(timeout, limit, offset, allowedUpdates)
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.code === 401 || err.code === 409) {
        throw err

      const wait = (err.parameters && err.parameters.retry_after) || this.options.retryAfter
      console.error(`Failed to fetch updates. Waiting: ${wait}s`, err.message)

      updates = await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, wait * 1000, []))

    try {
      if (this.polling.started && updates.length) {
        await this.handleUpdates(updates)
        this.polling.offset = updates[updates.length - 1].update_id + 1
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Failed to process updates.', err)
      this.polling.started = false
      this.polling.offset = 0


module.exports = Opengram