
 * @class
 * @memberof Scenes
class WizardContext {
   * @param {OpengramContext} ctx Context
   * @param {Middleware[]} steps Steps
  constructor (ctx, steps) {
    this.ctx = ctx
    this.steps = steps
    this.state = ctx.scene.state
    this.cursor = ctx.scene.session.cursor ?? 0

   * Getter returns current step handler
   * @return {Middleware|false}
  get step () {
    return this.cursor >= 0 && this.steps[this.cursor]

   * Selects step of wizard
   * @param {number} index Step index, starting from `0` (zero)
   * @return {WizardContext}
  selectStep (index) {
    this.cursor = index
    this.ctx.scene.session.cursor = index
    return this

   * Increments step of wizard
   * @return {WizardContext}
  next () {
    return this.selectStep(this.cursor + 1)

   * Decrements step of wizard
   * @return {WizardContext}
  back () {
    return this.selectStep(this.cursor - 1)

module.exports = WizardContext