
const { OpengramContext: Context } = require('./context')
const { getEntities, getText } = require('./core/helpers/utils')

 * The composer is the heart of the middleware system in Opengram. It is also the
 * super class of `Opengram`.
 * Whenever you call `use` or `on` or some of the other
 * methods on your bot, you are in fact using the underlying composer instance
 * to register your middleware.
class Composer {
   * Constructs a new composer based on the provided middleware. If no
   * middleware is given, the composer instance will simply make all context
   * objects pass through without touching them.
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middlewares to compose as arguments
  constructor (...fns) {
    this.handler = Composer.compose(fns)

   * Registers some middleware(s) that receives all updates. It is installed by
   * concatenating it to the end of all previously installed middleware.
   * Often, this method is used to install middleware(s) that behaves like a
   * plugin, for example session middleware.
   * ```js
   * bot.use(session())
   * ```
   * You can pass middleware separated by commas as arguments or as a chain of calls:
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Stage, session } = require('opengram')
   * const bot = require('opengram')
   * const stage = new Stage([...])
   * bot.use(session(), stage) // As arguments
   * ```
   * or
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Stage, session } = require('opengram')
   * const bot = require('opengram')
   * const stage = new Stage([...])
   * bot // As chain of calls
   *   .use(session())
   *   .use(stage)
   * ```
   * This method returns a new instance of {@link Composer}.
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as arguments
   * @return {Composer}
  use (...fns) {
    this.handler = Composer.compose([this.handler, ...fns])
    return this

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed for some specific
   * updates, namely those matching the provided filter query. Filter queries
   * are a concise way to specify which updates you are interested in.
   * Here are some examples of valid filter queries:
   * ```js
   * // All kinds of message updates
   * bot.on('message', ctx => { ... })
   * // Text messages
   * bot.on('text', ctx => { ... })
   * // Messages with document
   * bot.on('document', ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * It is possible to pass multiple filter queries in an array, i.e.
   * ```js
   * // Matches all messages that contain a video or audio
   * bot.on(['audio', 'video'], ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * Your middleware will be executed if _any of the provided filter queries_
   * matches (logical OR).
   * This method returns same as {@link Composer#use}.
   * @param {UpdateType|UpdateSubtype|Array<UpdateType|UpdateSubtype>} updateTypes The update type or array of update types to use,
   *    may also be an array or string
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register with the given types as argument(s)
   * @return {Composer}
  on (updateTypes, ...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.mount(updateTypes, ...fns))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed when the message / channel post
   * contains some text (in media caption too). Is it possible to pass a regular expression to match:
   * ```js
   * // Match some text (exact match)
   * bot.hears('I love anime', ctx => ctx.reply('I love too'))
   * // Match a regular expression
   * bot.hears(/\/echo (.+)/, ctx => ctx.reply(ctx.match[1]))
   * ```
   * > Note how `ctx.match` will contain the result of the regular expression.
   * > So `ctx.match[1]` refers to the part of the regex that was matched by `(.+)`,
   * > i.e. the text that comes after "/echo".
   * You can also paste function (or array of functions) that takes the value and context as arguments and returns true
   * or false (or some `Truthy` result) based on them. This can be used, for example, for dynamic text matching at i18n.
   * **The result returned by the function will be available from** `ctx.match`
   * ```js
   * bot.hears(
   *   (value, ctx) => {
   *     //... some checks ...
   *     return ['some', 'data']
   *   },
   *   ctx => ctx.reply(`I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`) // Replies at all with "I love some data"
   * )
   * ```
   * You can pass an array of triggers. Your middleware will be executed if at
   * least one of them matches.
   * Both text and captions of the received messages will be scanned. For
   * example, when a photo is sent to the chat and its caption matches the
   * trigger, your middleware will be executed.
   * If you only want to match text messages and not captions, you can do
   * this:
   * ```js
   * const { Composer: { hears } } = require('opengram')
   * // Only matches text messages for the regex
   * bot.on('text', hears(/\/echo (.+)/, ctx => { ... }))
   * ```
   * > _**Be careful, the example above may not work as expected if `channelMode` is enabled.**_
   * >
   * > By default `text` type not match channel posts, but `channel_post` matched as `text` type and
   * > `ctx.message` potentially `undefined`
   * > when `channelMode` enabled. You can add additional chat type check for this case
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers The text / array of
   * texts / regex / function to look for
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as argument(s)
  hears (triggers, ...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.hears(triggers, ...fns))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed when a certain
   * command is found.
   * ```js
   * // Reacts to /start commands
   * bot.command('start', ctx => { ... })
   * // Reacts to /help commands
   * bot.command('help', ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * > **Note:** Commands are not matched in the middle of the text.
   * ```js
   * bot.command('start', ctx => { ... })
   * // ... does not match:
   * // A message saying: “some text /start some more text”
   * // A photo message with the caption “some text /start some more text”
   * ```
   * By default, commands are detected in channel posts and media captions, too. This means that
   * `ctx.message` for channel post or `ctx.message.text` for media is potentially `undefined`,
   * so you should use `ctx.channelPost` and `ctx.message.caption` accordingly
   * for channel posts. Alternatively, if you
   * want to limit your bot to finding commands only in private and group
   * chats, you can use
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Composer: { command } } = require('opengram')
   * // ...
   * bot.on('message', command('start', ctx => ctx.reply('Only private / group messages or media with caption')))`
   * ```
   * or using {@link Composer.chatType}:
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Composer, Composer: { command } } = require('opengram')
   * // ...
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.chatType(
   *     ["private", "group", "supergroup"],
   *     command('start', ctx => ctx.reply('Only private / group messages or media with caption'))
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * for match all message exclude channel posts, or
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Composer: { command } } = require('opengram')
   * // ...
   * bot.on('text', command('start', ctx => ctx.reply('Math commands only text, not media captions')))
   * ```
   * for match only text message, not media caption
   * or even store a message-only version of your bot in a variable like so:
   * > _**Be careful, the example above may not work as expected if `channelMode` is enabled.**_
   * >
   * > By default `text` type not match channel posts, but `channel_post` matched as `text` type and
   * > `ctx.message` potentially `undefined`
   * > when `channelMode` enabled. You can add additional chat type check for this case
   * @param {string|string[]|'start'|'settings'|'help'} commands The command or array of commands to look for
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as arguments
  command (commands, ...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.command(commands, ...fns))

   * Registers some middleware(s) for callback queries, i.e. the updates that
   * Telegram delivers to your bot when a user clicks an inline button (that
   * is a button under a message).
   * This method is essentially the same as calling
   * ```js
   * bot.on('callback_query', ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * but it also allows you to match the query data against a given text or
   * regular expression.
   * ```js
   * // Create an inline keyboard
   * const keyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard([
   *   Markup.callbackButton('Go!', 'button-payload')
   * ])
   * // Send a message with the keyboard
   * await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Press a button!', keyboard.extra())
   * // Listen to users pressing buttons with that specific payload
   * bot.action('button-payload', ctx => { ... })
   * // Listen to users pressing any button your bot ever sent
   * bot.on('callback_query', ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * Always remember to call
   * {@link Telegram#answerCbQuery} or {@link OpengramContext#answerCbQuery}
   * — even if you don't perform any action: {@linkplain}
   * ```js
   * bot.on('callback_query', async ctx => {
   *   await ctx.answerCbQuery()
   * })
   * ```
   * You can pass one or an array of triggers (Regexp / strings). Your middleware(s) will be executed if at
   * least one of them matches.
   * > Note how `ctx.match` will contain the result of the regular expression.
   * > So `ctx.match[1]` refers to the part of the regexp that was matched by `([0-9]+)`,
   * > i.e. the text that comes after "button:".
   * > ```js
   * > bot.action(/button:([0-9]+)/, ctx => ctx.reply(`You choose button with number ${ctx.match[1]} in payload`))
   * > const keyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard([
   * >  Markup.callbackButton('Button 1', 'button:1'),
   * >  Markup.callbackButton('Button 2', 'button:2'),
   * >  Markup.callbackButton('Button 3', 'button:3')
   * > ])
   * > await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Press a button!', keyboard.extra())
   * > ```
   * You can also paste function (or array of functions) that takes the value and context as arguments and returns true
   * or false (or some `Truthy` result) based on them. This can be used, for example, for dynamic text matching at i18n.
   * **The result returned by the function will be available from** `ctx.match`
   * ```js
   * bot.action(
   *   (value, ctx) => {
   *     //... some checks ...
   *     return ['some', 'data']
   *   },
   *   // Show cb query answer for all queries with "I love some data"
   *   ctx => ctx.answerCbQuery(`I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`)
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers One or an array of
   * regular expressions / strings to search in the payload
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as arguments
   * @return {Composer}
  action (triggers, ...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.action(triggers, ...fns))

   * Registers middleware for inline queries. Telegram sends an inline query
   * to your bot whenever a user types `@your_bot_name ...` into a text field
   * in Telegram.
   * Your bot will then receive the entered search query and can
   * respond with a number of results (text, images, etc.) that the user can
   * pick from to send a message _via_ your bot to the respective chat.
   * Check [here]( to read more about inline bots.
   * > Note that you have to enable inline mode for you bot by contacting
   * > [@BotFather]( first.
   * ```js
   * // Listen for users typing `@your_bot_name query`
   * bot.inlineQuery('query', async ctx => {
   *   // Answer the inline query, confer
   *   await ctx.answerInlineQuery( ... )
   * })
   * ```
   * You can pass one or an array of triggers (Regexp / strings). Your middleware(s) will be executed if at
   * least one of them matches.
   * > Note how `ctx.match` will contain the result of the regular expression.
   * > So `ctx.match[1]` refers to the part of the regexp that was matched by `([0-9]+)`,
   * > i.e. the text that comes after "query:".
   * ```js
   * // Listen for users typing `@your_bot_name query`
   * bot.inlineQuery(/query:([0-9]+)/, async ctx => {
   *   // Answer the inline query, confer
   *   await ctx.answerInlineQuery([{
   *     type: 'article',
   *     id: Math.random(),
   *     title: 'Regex test',
   *     cache_time: 1,
   *     description: `Query Regex result: ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *     input_message_content: {
   *       message_text: `Query Regex result: ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *     }
   *   }])
   * })
   * ```
   * You can also paste function (or array of functions) that takes the value and context as arguments and returns true
   * or false (or some `Truthy` result) based on them. This can be used, for example, for dynamic text matching at i18n.
   * **The result returned by the function will be available from** `ctx.match`
   * ```js
   * bot.inlineQuery(
   *   (value, ctx) => {
   *     //... some checks ...
   *     return ['some', 'data']
   *   },
   *   // Show cb query answer for all queries with "I love some data"
   *   ctx => ctx.answerInlineQuery([{
   *     type: 'article',
   *     id: Math.random(),
   *     title: 'Regex test',
   *     cache_time: 1,
   *     description: `I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *     input_message_content: {
   *       message_text: `I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *     }
   *   }])
   * })
   * ```
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers The inline query text
   *   or array of text to match
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  inlineQuery (triggers, ...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.inlineQuery(triggers, ...fns))

   * Registers some middleware(s) for game queries, i.e. the updates that
   * Telegram delivers to your bot when a user clicks an inline button for the
   * HTML5 games platform on Telegram.
   * This method is essentially the same as calling
   * ```js
   * bot.on('callback_query', ctx => {
   *  if (ctx.callbackQuery.game_short_name) {
   *    ...
   *  }
   * })
   * ```
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware to register as arguments
   * @return {Composer}
  gameQuery (...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.gameQuery(...fns))

   * Registers middleware behind a custom filter function that operates on the
   * context object and decides whether to execute the middleware.
   * In other words, the middleware(s) after that middleware will only be executed if the given predicate
   * returns `false` for the given context object. Note that the predicate
   * may be asynchronous, i.e. it can return a Promise of a boolean.
   * This method is the same using `filter` (normal usage) with a negated
   * predicate.
   * ```js
   * // Drop all message updates sent more than 6 hr in all middlewares / handlers registered after bot.drop(...)
   * bot.drop(ctx => {
   *   if(!ctx.message) return false // Drop only messages
   *   return ( / 1000) - < 60 * 60 * 6
   * })
   * // Called only for messages with date < 6 hr after send
   * bot.on('message', () => ctx.reply('Good, update date less then 6 hours!'))
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|boolean} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @return {Composer}
  drop (predicate) {
    return this.use(Composer.drop(predicate))

   * Registers middleware(s) behind a custom filter function that operates on the
   * context object and decides whether to execute the middleware. In
   * other words, the middleware will only be executed if the given predicate
   * returns `true` for the given context object. Otherwise, it will be
   * skipped and the next middleware will be executed.
   * In other words, the middleware after that middleware will only be executed if the given predicate
   * returns `true` for the given context object. Note that the predicate
   * may be asynchronous, i.e. it can return a Promise of a boolean.
   * ```js
   * // Only process every second update
   * bot.filter(ctx => ctx.update.update_id % 2 === 0)
   * bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply('Update id of this message is divided by two without a remainder'))
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|boolean} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @return {Composer}
  filter (predicate) {
    return this.use(Composer.filter(predicate))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if a certain entity is present in the update
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {EntityPredicate} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  entity (predicate, ...fns) {
    return this.use(Composer.entity(predicate, ...fns))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `custom_emoji` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('custom_emoji', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  customEmoji (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.customEmoji(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `email` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('email', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  email (...args) {
    return this.use(

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `phone` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('phone', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  phone (...args) {
    return this.use(

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `url` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('url', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  url (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.url(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `text_link` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('text_link', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  textLink (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.textLink(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `text_mention` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('text_mention', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  textMention (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.textMention(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `mention` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('mention', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  mention (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.mention(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `hashtag` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('hashtag', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  hashtag (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.hashtag(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `hashtag` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('cashtag', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  cashtag (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.cashtag(...args))

   * Registers some middleware(s) that will only be executed if `spoiler` entity is present in the update
   * Shortcut to `Composer.entity('spoiler', ...)`
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {Middleware} args The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Composer}
  spoiler (...args) {
    return this.use(Composer.spoiler(...args))

   * Registers some middleware that will only be executed when `/start` command is found.
   * Shortcut to `Composer.command('start', ...)`, but with additional functionally, when you use this and
   * deep linking, you can get start payload from `ctx.startPayload`
   * For example if user start the bot from link like this: ``
   * With this code, bot reply user with text of start payload:
   * ```js
   * bot.start(ctx => ctx.reply(`Start payload: ${ctx.startPayload}`)) // Reply with "Start payload: 1234"
   * ```
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  start (...fns) {
    return this.command('start', Composer.tap((ctx) => {
      const entity = ctx.message.entities[0]
      ctx.startPayload = ctx.message.text.slice(entity.length + 1)
    }), ...fns)

   * Registers some middleware that will only be executed when `/help` command is found.
   * Shortcut to `Composer.command('help', ...)`
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  help (...fns) {
    return this.command('help', ...fns)

   * Registers some middleware that will only be executed when `/settings` command is found.
   * Shortcut to `Composer.command('settings', ...)`
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  settings (...fns) {
    return this.command('settings', ...fns)

   * Returns the middleware to embed
   * @return {Middleware}
  middleware () {
    return this.handler

   * Generates and return middleware for reply with given arguments, has same arguments like in Opengram,
   * context method `reply`
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * // Send message with text "I do not support group chats" when receive update from group chat
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.groupChat(Composer.reply('I do not support group chats'))
   * )
   * ```
   * @see
   * @param {string} text Text of the message to be sent, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing
   * @param {ExtraSendMessage|Extra} [extra] Other parameters
   * @throws {TelegramError}
   * @return {Middleware<Promise<Message>>}
  static reply (text, extra) {
    return (ctx) => ctx.reply(text, extra)

   * Generates middleware that catches all errors in the middleware(s) given to it and outputs them to the console
   * @param {Middleware} fns Middlewares
   * @return {Middleware}
  static catchAll (...fns) {
    return Composer.catch((err) => {
      console.error((err.stack || err.toString()).replace(/^/gm, '  '))
    }, ...fns)

   * Generates middleware that catches all errors in the middleware(s) given to it and calls given error handler
   * @param {Function} errorHandler Error handler which takes error and context object as arguments
   * @param {Middleware} fns Middleware(s)
   * @return {Middleware}
  static catch (errorHandler, ...fns) {
    const handler = Composer.compose(fns)
    return (ctx, next) => Promise.resolve(handler(ctx, next))
      .catch((err) => errorHandler(err, ctx))

   * Registers some middleware that runs concurrently to the executing middleware stack.
   * Runs the middleware at the next event loop using
   * [setImmediate]( and force call `next()`
   * For example, you can use that method for saving metrics and other non-priority or optional features in background
   * > ❗️ If you call next in this middleware, then nothing will happen, it will be ignored
   * @param {Middleware} middleware The middleware to run concurrently
   * @return {Middleware}
  static fork (middleware) {
    const handler = Composer.unwrap(middleware)
    return (ctx, next) => {
      setImmediate(handler, ctx, Composer.safePassThru())
      return next(ctx)

   * Middleware that calls a middleware or chain of middleware and calls the `next`, whether it called `next` or not.
   * Allows you to execute some code and continue execution regardless of its result.
   * @param {Middleware} middleware The middleware to run without access to next
   * @return {Middleware}
  static tap (middleware) {
    const handler = Composer.unwrap(middleware)
    return async (ctx, next) => {
      await Promise.resolve(
        handler(ctx, Composer.safePassThru())
      return next(ctx)

   * Generates middleware which call next middleware
   * For example, you can use it with {@link Composer.branch} or other to skip middleware (make middleware optional)
   * @return {Middleware}
  static passThru () {
    return (ctx, next) => next(ctx)

   * Generates middleware which call next middleware if `next` function exists or returns empty resolved promise
   * This method is similar to `Composer.passThru()`, but calls `next` if exists, otherwise returns resolved promise
   * @return {Middleware}
  static safePassThru () {
    return (ctx, next) => typeof next === 'function' ? next(ctx) : Promise.resolve()

   * Lazily asynchronously returns some middleware that can be generated on the fly for each context.
   * Pass a factory function that creates some middleware
   * The factory function will be called once per context, and its result will be executed with the context object.
   * ```js
   * // The middleware returned by `createMyMiddleware` will be used only once
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.lazy(ctx => createMyMiddleware(ctx))
   * )
   * ```
   * You may generate this middleware in an `async` fashion.
   * @param {Function} factoryFn The factory function creating the middleware
   * @throws {TypeError}
   * @return {Middleware<Promise>}
  static lazy (factoryFn) {
    if (typeof factoryFn !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument must be a function')
    return async (ctx, next) => {
      const middleware = await Promise.resolve(factoryFn(ctx))
      return Composer.unwrap(middleware)(ctx, next)

   * Method that generates a middleware to output the content of the context with indented beautiful in
   * console using serialization
   * The default for logs is `console.log`, you can pass your own log function in argument:
   * ```js
   * const myOwnLogFn = (data) => console.log('[Logs]', data)
   * bot.use(Composer.log(myOwnLogFn))
   * ```
   * @param {Function} logFn Custom log function
   * @return {Middleware}
  static log (logFn = console.log) {
    return Composer.fork((ctx) => logFn(JSON.stringify(ctx.update, null, 2)))

   * Allows you to branch between two cases for a given context object.
   * This method takes a predicate function that is tested once per context
   * object. If it returns `true`, the first supplied middleware is executed.
   * If it returns `false`, the second supplied middleware is executed. Note
   * that the predicate may be asynchronous, i.e. it can return a Promise of a boolean.
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.branch(
   *     (ctx) => ctx.from.is_premium,
   *     (ctx) => ctx.reply('This mw executed only for premium users'),
   *     (ctx) => ctx.reply('Buy premium :(')
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|boolean} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @param {Middleware} trueMiddleware The middleware for the `true` case
   * @param {Middleware} [falseMiddleware] The middleware for the `false` case
   * @return {Middleware}
  static branch (predicate, trueMiddleware, falseMiddleware) {
    if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {
      return predicate ? trueMiddleware : falseMiddleware
    return Composer.lazy((ctx) => Promise.resolve(predicate(ctx))
      .then((value) => value ? trueMiddleware : falseMiddleware))

   * Generates middleware that makes given middleware(s) optional
   * Example
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.optional(
   *     (ctx) => ctx.from.is_premium, // Check premium
   *     // The handlers from below will be executed only if predict returns true
   *     async (ctx, next) => {
   *       await ctx.reply('This mw and below will be executed only for premium users')
   *       return next()
   *     },
   *     (ctx) => {
   *       // ...other middleware.. ...code...,
   *     },
   *     (ctx) => {
   *       // ...other middleware.. ...code...,
   *     },
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|boolean} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @param {Middleware} fns Middleware(s)
   * @return {Middleware}
  static optional (predicate, ...fns) {
    return Composer.branch(predicate, Composer.compose(fns), Composer.safePassThru())

   * Generates middleware behind a custom filter function that operates on the
   * context object and decides whether to execute the middleware. In
   * other words, the middleware will only be executed if the given predicate
   * returns `true` for the given context object. Otherwise, it will be
   * skipped and the next middleware will be executed.
   * In other words, the middleware after that middleware will only be executed if the given predicate
   * returns `true` for the given context object. Note that the predicate
   * may be asynchronous, i.e. it can return a Promise of a boolean.
   * ```js
   * // Only process every second update
   * bot.on(
   *  'message',
   *  Composer.filter(ctx => ctx.update.update_id % 2 === 0)
   *  ctx => ctx.reply('Update id of this message is divided by two without a remainder')
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|boolean} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @return {Middleware}
  static filter (predicate) {
    return Composer.branch(predicate, Composer.safePassThru(), () => { })

   * Generates middleware behind a custom filter function that operates on the
   * context object and decides whether to execute the middleware.
   * In other words, the middleware(s) after that middleware will only be executed if the given predicate
   * returns `false` for the given context object. Note that the predicate
   * may be asynchronous, i.e. it can return a Promise of a boolean.
   * This method is the same using `filter` (normal usage) with a negated
   * predicate.
   * ```js
   * // Drop all message updates sent more than 6 hr in all middlewares / handlers registered after bot.drop(...)
   * const mw = Composer.drop(ctx => {
   *   if(!ctx.message) return false // Drop only messages
   *   return ( / 1000) - < 60 * 60 * 6
   * })
   * // Called only for messages with date < 6 hr after send
   * bot.on('message', mw, () => ctx.reply('Good, update date less then 6 hours!'))
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|boolean} predicate The predicate to check. Can be async, returns boolean or Promise with boolean
   * @return {Middleware}
  static drop (predicate) {
    return Composer.branch(predicate, () => { }, Composer.safePassThru())

  static dispatch (routeFn, handlers) {
    if (typeof routeFn === 'function') {
      return Composer.lazy(async (ctx) => {
        const route = await Promise.resolve(
        return handlers[route]
    } else {
      return handlers[routeFn]

   * Generates middleware that execute given middleware(s) only for some specific
   * updates, namely those matching the provided filter query. Filter queries
   * are a concise way to specify which updates you are interested in.
   * Here are some examples of valid filter queries:
   * ```js
   * // All kinds of message updates
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.mount('message', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * // Text messages
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.mount('text', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * // Messages with document
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.mount('document', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * ```
   * It is possible to pass multiple filter queries in an array, i.e.
   * ```js
   * // Matches all messages that contain a video or audio
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.mount(['audio', 'video'], ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * ```
   * Your middleware will be executed if _any of the provided filter queries_
   * matches (logical OR).
   * @param {UpdateType|UpdateSubtype|Array<UpdateType|UpdateSubtype>} updateType The update type or array of update types to use,
   *    may also be an array or string
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register with the given types as argument(s)
   * @return {Middleware}
  static mount (updateType, ...fns) {
    const updateTypes = normalizeTextArguments(updateType)
    const predicate = (ctx) => {
      return updateTypes.includes(ctx.updateType) || updateTypes
          (type) => ctx.updateSubTypes.includes(type)

    return Composer.optional(predicate, ...fns)

   * Generates middleware that execute given middlewares if a certain entity is present in the update
   * This method matches entity in channel post, message and media caption
   * @param {EntityPredicate} predicate The predicate to check. Entity name or predicate function.
   *   If function provided, it can be sync only and returns boolean
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static entity (predicate, ...fns) {
    if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {
      const entityTypes = normalizeTextArguments(predicate)
      return Composer.entity((entity) => entityTypes.includes(entity.type), ...fns)
    return Composer.optional((ctx) => {
      const message = ctx.message || ctx.channelPost
      const entities = getEntities(message)
      const text = getText(message)
      return entities && entities.some((entity) =>
        predicate(entity, text.substring(entity.offset, entity.offset + entity.length), ctx)
    }, ...fns)

  static entityText (entityType, predicate, ...fns) {
    if (fns.length === 0) {
      return Array.isArray(predicate)
        ? Composer.entity(entityType, ...predicate)
        : Composer.entity(entityType, predicate)
    const triggers = normalizeTriggers(predicate)
    return Composer.entity(({ type }, value, ctx) => {
      if (type !== entityType) {
        return false
      for (const trigger of triggers) {
        ctx.match = trigger(value, ctx)
        if (ctx.match) {
          return true
    }, ...fns)

  static customEmoji (customEmoji, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('custom_emoji', customEmoji, ...fns)

  static email (email, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('email', email, ...fns)

  static phone (number, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('phone_number', number, ...fns)

  static url (url, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('url', url, ...fns)

  static textLink (link, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('text_link', link, ...fns)

  static textMention (mention, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('text_mention', mention, ...fns)

  static mention (mention, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('mention', normalizeTextArguments(mention, '@'), ...fns)

  static hashtag (hashtag, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('hashtag', normalizeTextArguments(hashtag, '#'), ...fns)

  static cashtag (cashtag, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('cashtag', normalizeTextArguments(cashtag, '$'), ...fns)

  static spoiler (text, ...fns) {
    return Composer.entityText('spoiler', text, ...fns)

   * Generates middleware that execute given middlewares when some given trigger(s) returns true
   * Triggers are executed for channel post / message text / callback query / inline query
   * Example:
   * ```js
   * Composer.match (/[a-z]/, ...fns)
   * Composer.match ([/[a-z]/, /[0-9]/], ...fns)
   * Composer.match ((value, context) => {
   *   // ...checks...
   * } , ...fns)
   * Composer.match (
   *   (value, context) => {
   *     // ...checks...
   *   },
   *   (value, context) => {
   *     // ...checks...
   *   },
   *   ...fns
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers The text / array of
   * texts / regex / function to look for
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as argument(s)
  static match (triggers, ...fns) {
    return Composer.optional((ctx) => {
      const text = getText(ctx.message) ||
        getText(ctx.channelPost) ||
        getText(ctx.callbackQuery) ||
        (ctx.inlineQuery && ctx.inlineQuery.query)
      for (const trigger of triggers) {
        ctx.match = trigger(text, ctx)
        if (ctx.match) {
          return true
    }, ...fns)

   * Generates middleware that execute given middlewares when the message / channel post
   * contains some text (in media caption too). Is it possible to pass a regular expression to match:
   * ```js
   * // Match some text (exact match)
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.hears('I love anime', ctx => ctx.reply('I love too'))
   * )
   * // Match a regular expression
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.hears(/\/echo (.+)/, ctx => ctx.reply(ctx.match[1]))
   * )
   * ```
   * > Note how `ctx.match` will contain the result of the regular expression.
   * > So `ctx.match[1]` refers to the part of the regex that was matched by `(.+)`,
   * > i.e. the text that comes after "/echo".
   * You can also paste function (or array of functions) that takes the value and context as arguments and returns true
   * or false (or some `Truthy` result) based on them. This can be used, for example, for dynamic text matching at i18n.
   * **The result returned by the function will be available from** `ctx.match`
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.hears(
   *     (value, ctx) => {
   *       //... some checks ...
   *       return ['some', 'data']
   *     },
   *     ctx => ctx.reply(`I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`) // Replies at all with "I love some data"
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * You can pass an array of triggers. Your middleware will be executed if at
   * least one of them matches.
   * Both text and captions of the received messages will be scanned. For
   * example, when a photo is sent to the chat and its caption matches the
   * trigger, your middleware will be executed.
   * If you only want to match text messages and not captions, you can do
   * this:
   * ```js
   * // Only matches text messages for the regex
   * bot.on('text', Composer.hears(/\/echo (.+)/, ctx => { ... }))
   * ```
   * > _**Be careful, the example above may not work as expected if `channelMode` is enabled.**_
   * >
   * > By default `text` type not match channel posts, but `channel_post` matched as `text` type and
   * > `ctx.message` potentially `undefined`
   * > when `channelMode` enabled. You can add additional chat type check for this case
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers The text / array of
   * texts / regex / function to look for
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as argument(s)
  static hears (triggers, ...fns) {
    return Composer.mount('text', Composer.match(normalizeTriggers(triggers), ...fns))

   * Generates middleware that execute given middlewares will only be executed if a certain command is found.
   * ```js
   * // Reacts to /start commands
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.command('start', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * // Reacts to /help commands
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.command('help', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * ```
   * > **Note:** Commands are not matched in the middle of the text.
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.command('start', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * // ... does not match:
   * // A message saying: “some text /start some more text”
   * // A photo message with the caption “some text /start some more text”
   * ```
   * By default, commands are detected in channel posts and media captions, too. This means that
   * `ctx.message` for channel post or `ctx.message.text` for media is potentially `undefined`,
   * so you should use `ctx.channelPost` and `ctx.message.caption` accordingly
   * for channel posts. Alternatively, if you
   * want to limit your bot to finding commands only in private and group
   * chats, you can use
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Composer: { command } } = require('opengram')
   * // ...
   * bot.on('message', command('start', ctx => ctx.reply('Only private / group messages or media with caption')))`
   * ```
   * or using {@link Composer.chatType}:
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Composer, Composer: { command } } = require('opengram')
   * // ...
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.chatType(
   *     ["private", "group", "supergroup"],
   *     command('start', ctx => ctx.reply('Only private / group messages or media with caption'))
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * for match all message exclude channel posts, or
   * ```js
   * const { Opengram, Composer: { command } } = require('opengram')
   * // ...
   * bot.on('text', command('start', ctx => ctx.reply('Math commands only text, not media captions')))
   * ```
   * for match only text message, not media caption
   * or even store a message-only version of your bot in a variable like so:
   * > _**Be careful, the example above may not work as expected if `channelMode` is enabled.**_
   * >
   * > By default `text` type not match channel posts, but `channel_post` matched as `text` type and
   * > `ctx.message` potentially `undefined`
   * > when `channelMode` enabled. You can add additional chat type check for this case
   * @param {string|string[]|'start'|'settings'|'help'} command The command or array of commands to look for
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as arguments
  static command (command, ...fns) {
    if (fns.length === 0) {
      return Composer.entity('bot_command', command)
    const commands = normalizeTextArguments(command, '/')
    return Composer.mount(['message', 'channel_post'], Composer.lazy((ctx) => {
      const groupCommands = && ( === 'group' || === 'supergroup')
        ? => `${command}@${}`)
        : []
      return Composer.entity(
        (entity, value) =>
            entity.offset === 0 &&
            entity.type === 'bot_command' &&
            (commands.includes(value) || groupCommands.includes(value))

   * Generates middleware that execute given middlewares will only be executed for certain callback queries, i.e.
   * the updates that
   * Telegram delivers to your bot when a user clicks an inline button (that
   * is a button under a message).
   * This method is essentially the same as calling
   * ```js
   * bot.on('callback_query', ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * but it also allows you to match the query data against a given text or
   * regular expression.
   * ```js
   * // Create an inline keyboard
   * const keyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard([
   *   Markup.callbackButton('Go!', 'button-payload')
   * ])
   * // Send a message with the keyboard
   * await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Press a button!', keyboard.extra())
   * // Listen to users pressing buttons with that specific payload
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.action('button-payload', ctx => { ... })
   * )
   * // Listen to users pressing any button your bot ever sent
   * bot.on('callback_query', ctx => { ... })
   * ```
   * Always remember to call
   * {@link Telegram#answerCbQuery} or {@link OpengramContext#answerCbQuery}
   * — even if you don't perform any action: {@linkplain}
   * ```js
   * bot.on('callback_query', async ctx => {
   *   await ctx.answerCbQuery()
   * })
   * ```
   * You can pass one or an array of triggers (Regexp / strings). Your middleware(s) will be executed if at
   * least one of them matches.
   * > Note how `ctx.match` will contain the result of the regular expression.
   * > So `ctx.match[1]` refers to the part of the regexp that was matched by `([0-9]+)`,
   * > i.e. the text that comes after "button:".
   * > ```js
   * > const mw = Composer.action(/button:([0-9]+)/, ctx => ctx.reply(`You choose button with number ${ctx.match[1]} in payload`))
   * > const keyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard([
   * >  Markup.callbackButton('Button 1', 'button:1'),
   * >  Markup.callbackButton('Button 2', 'button:2'),
   * >  Markup.callbackButton('Button 3', 'button:3')
   * > ])
   * >
   * > bot.use(mw)
   * > await bot.telegram.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Press a button!', keyboard.extra())
   * > ```
   * You can also paste function (or array of functions) that takes the value and context as arguments and returns true
   * or false (or some `Truthy` result) based on them. This can be used, for example, for dynamic text matching at i18n.
   * **The result returned by the function will be available from** `ctx.match`
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.action(
   *     (value, ctx) => {
   *       //... some checks ...
   *       return ['some', 'data']
   *     },
   *     // Show cb query answer for all queries with "I love some data"
   *     ctx => ctx.answerCbQuery(`I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`)
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers One or an array of
   * regular expressions / strings to search in the payload
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register as arguments
   * @return {Middleware}
  static action (triggers, ...fns) {
    return Composer.mount('callback_query', Composer.match(normalizeTriggers(triggers), ...fns))

   * Generates middleware that execute given middleware(s) will only be executed for certain inline queries.
   * Telegram sends an inline query to your bot whenever a user types `@your_bot_name ...` into a text field
   * in Telegram.
   * Your bot will then receive the entered search query and can
   * respond with a number of results (text, images, etc.) that the user can
   * pick from to send a message _via_ your bot to the respective chat.
   * Check [here]( to read more about inline bots.
   * > Note that you have to enable inline mode for you bot by contacting
   * > [@BotFather]( first.
   * ```js
   * // Listen for users typing `@your_bot_name query`
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.inlineQuery('query', async ctx => {
   *     // Answer the inline query, confer
   *     await ctx.answerInlineQuery( ... )
   *   })
   * )
   * ```
   * You can pass one or an array of triggers (Regexp / strings). Your middleware(s) will be executed if at
   * least one of them matches.
   * > Note how `ctx.match` will contain the result of the regular expression.
   * > So `ctx.match[1]` refers to the part of the regexp that was matched by `([0-9]+)`,
   * > i.e. the text that comes after "query:".
   * ```js
   * // Listen for users typing `@your_bot_name query`
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.inlineQuery(/query:([0-9]+)/, async ctx => {
   *     // Answer the inline query, confer
   *     await ctx.answerInlineQuery([{
   *       type: 'article',
   *       id: Math.random(),
   *       title: 'Regex test',
   *       cache_time: 1,
   *       description: `Query Regex result: ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *       input_message_content: {
   *         message_text: `Query Regex result: ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *       }
   *     }])
   *   })
   * )
   * ```
   * You can also paste function (or array of functions) that takes the value and context as arguments and returns true
   * or false (or some `Truthy` result) based on them. This can be used, for example, for dynamic text matching at i18n.
   * **The result returned by the function will be available from** `ctx.match`
   * ```js
   * bot.inlineQuery(
   *   (value, ctx) => {
   *     //... some checks ...
   *     return ['some', 'data']
   *   },
   *   // Show cb query answer for all queries with "I love some data"
   *   ctx => ctx.answerInlineQuery([{
   *     type: 'article',
   *     id: Math.random(),
   *     title: 'Regex test',
   *     cache_time: 1,
   *     description: `I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *     input_message_content: {
   *       message_text: `I love ${ctx.match[0]} ${ctx.match[1]}`,
   *     }
   *   }])
   * })
   * ```
   * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers The inline query text
   *   or array of text to match
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static inlineQuery (triggers, ...fns) {
    return Composer.mount('inline_query', Composer.match(normalizeTriggers(triggers), ...fns))

   * Generates and returns a middleware that runs the given middleware(s) only for when array of given id's contains
   * user id or predicate function returns true for given context
   * Access-control list - allows you to create guards for middlewares
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.admin(
   *     1234567890,
   *     Composer.reply('Some middleware for admin of bot - 1234567890')
   *   )
   * )
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.admin(
   *     [1234567890, 09876543],
   *     Composer.reply('Some middleware for admins of bot - 1234567890 and 09876543')
   *   )
   * )
   * function checkIsAdmin (ctx) {
   *   // ...
   *   return true
   * }
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.admin(
   *     ctx => checkIsAdmin(ctx),
   *     Composer.reply('Some middleware for admins of bot')
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {PredicateFn|number|number[]} userId The predicate to check or user id / array of user id's
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static acl (userId, ...fns) {
    if (typeof userId === 'function') {
      return Composer.optional(userId, ...fns)
    const allowed = Array.isArray(userId) ? userId : [userId]
    return Composer.optional((ctx) => !ctx.from || allowed.includes(, ...fns)

   * Generates and returns a middleware that runs the given middleware(s) only for updates user has one of given
   * member statuses of chat
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.memberStatus(
   *     ["creator", "administrator"],
   *     Composer.reply('I work only for chat creator and administrator ')
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {ChatMemberStatus[]|ChatMemberStatus} status Member status of array of statuses
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static memberStatus (status, ...fns) {
    const statuses = Array.isArray(status) ? status : [status]
    return Composer.optional((ctx) => ctx.message && ctx.getChatMember(
      .then(member => member && statuses.includes(member.status))
    , ...fns)

   * Generates and returns a middleware that runs the given middleware(s) only for updates if member
   * status = `creator` or 'administrator'
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.admin(
   *     Composer.reply('I work only when called by chat creator and administrator ')
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static admin (...fns) {
    return Composer.memberStatus(['administrator', 'creator'], ...fns)

   * Generates and returns a middleware that runs the given middleware(s) only for updates if member status = `creator`
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.creator(
   *     Composer.reply('I work only when called by chat creator')
   *   )
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static creator (...fns) {
    return Composer.memberStatus('creator', ...fns)

   * Registers some middleware for certain chat types only.
   * For example, you can use this method to only receive
   * updates from private chats. The four chat types are `channel`, `supergroup`, `group`, and `private`.
   * This is especially useful when combined with other filtering logic.
   * For example, this is how can you respond to /start commands only from private chats:
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * const privateZone = new Composer()
   * privateZone.command("start", ctx => { ... })
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.chatType('private', privateZone)
   * )
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.chatType('supergroup', Composer.reply('I work only in supergroups chats'))
   * )
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.chatType(['supergroup', 'group'], Composer.reply('I work only in supergroup + group chats'))
   * )
   * ```
   * ```js
   * const onlyGroup = new Composer()
   * onlyGroup.hears(...)
   * onlyGroup.command(...)
   * // ...
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.chatType('group', onlyGroup)
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {ChatType[]|ChatType} type Chat type or array of shat types
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static chatType (type, ...fns) {
    const types = Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type]
    return Composer.optional((ctx) => {
      const chat =
      return chat !== undefined && types.includes(chat.type)
    }, ...fns)

   * Generates and returns a middleware that runs the given middleware only for updates from "private" (DM)
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * // Send message with text "I do not support group chats" when receive update from group chat
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.privateChat(Composer.reply('I work only in group chats'))
   * )
   * ```
   * Isolate private commands:
   * ```js
   * const private = new Composer()
   * private.hears(...)
   * private.command(...)
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.privateChat(private)
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static privateChat (...fns) {
    return Composer.chatType('private', ...fns)

   * Creates and returns a middleware that runs the given middleware only for updates from "group" and "supergroup".
   * Usage example:
   * ```js
   * // Send message with text "I do not support group chats" when receive update from group chat
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.groupChat(Composer.reply('I do not support group chats'))
   * )
   * ```
   * Isolate group commands:
   * ```js
   * const group = new Composer()
   * group.hears(...)
   * group.command(...)
   * bot.use(
   *   Composer.groupChat(group)
   * )
   * ```
   * @param {Middleware} fns The middleware(s) to register
   * @return {Middleware}
  static groupChat (...fns) {
    return Composer.chatType(['group', 'supergroup'], ...fns)

  static gameQuery (...fns) {
    return Composer.mount(
      Composer.optional((ctx) => !!ctx.callbackQuery.game_short_name, ...fns)

   * Method used for unwrapping middleware, when middleware has method with name `middleware` (middleware factory)
   * {@link Composer.unwrap} calls him and return result
   * This method used in some other {@link Composer} methods, like {@link Composer.compose}, {@link Composer.lazy} and
   * other
   * @param {Middleware} handler The middleware for unwrap
   * @throws {Error}
   * @return {Middleware}
  static unwrap (handler) {
    if (!handler) {
      throw new Error('Handler is undefined')
    return typeof handler.middleware === 'function'
      ? handler.middleware()
      : handler

   * Used for compose array of middlewares
   * @param {Middleware[]} middlewares The middlewares for compose
   * @throws {Error|TypeError}
   * @return {Middleware}
  static compose (middlewares) {
    if (!Array.isArray(middlewares)) {
      throw new TypeError('Middlewares must be an array')
    if (middlewares.length === 0) {
      return Composer.safePassThru()
    if (middlewares.length === 1) {
      return Composer.unwrap(middlewares[0])

     * @param {OpengramContext} ctx Context Object
     * @param {Function} next Next middleware
    function run (ctx, next) {
      let index = -1
      return execute(0, ctx)

       * @param {number} i Middleware index
       * @param {OpengramContext} context Next middleware
      async function execute (i, context) {
        if (!(context instanceof Context)) {
          throw new Error('next(ctx) called with invalid context')
        if (i <= index) {
          throw new Error('next() called multiple times')
        index = i
        const handler = middlewares[i] ? Composer.unwrap(middlewares[i]) : next
        if (!handler) {

        await handler(context, async (ctx = context) => {
          await execute(i + 1, ctx)

    return run

 * Converts single triggers to array of triggers and regex / strings to predicate functions
 * @private
 * @param {Trigger|Trigger[]} triggers The text / array of
 *   texts / regex / function to look for
 * @throws {TypeError}
 * @return {TriggerPredicateFn[]}
function normalizeTriggers (triggers) {
  if (!Array.isArray(triggers)) {
    triggers = [triggers]
  return => {
    if (!trigger) {
      throw new TypeError('Invalid trigger')
    if (typeof trigger === 'function') {
      return trigger
    if (trigger instanceof RegExp) {
      return (value) => {
        trigger.lastIndex = 0
        return trigger.exec(value || '')
    return (value) => trigger === value ? value : null

 * Converts given argument to array if not array, filter empty arguments.
 * If prefix given, adds prefix if not exists
 * ```js
 * normalizeTextArguments('name') // Returns ['name']
 * normalizeTextArguments(['name', 'name1']) // Returns ['name', 'name1']
 * normalizeTextArguments(['@name', 'name1'], '@') // Returns ['@name', '@name1']
 * ```
 * @private
 * @param {string|string[]} argument Arguments to normalize
 * @param {string} [prefix] Prefix
 * @return {string[]}
function normalizeTextArguments (argument, prefix) {
  const args = Array.isArray(argument) ? argument : [argument]
  return args
    .map((arg) => prefix && typeof arg === 'string' && !arg.startsWith(prefix) ? `${prefix}${arg}` : arg)

module.exports = Composer