const { showWarning } = require('./core/helpers/utils')
const debug = require('debug')('opengram:session')
const storeSym = Symbol('store')
const ttlSym = Symbol('ttl')
const propSym = Symbol('property')
const keyGeneratorFnSym = Symbol('keyGeneratorFn')
const storeSetMethodSym = Symbol('storeSetMethod')
const WARN_AFTER_SAVE_TEXT = 'A write/read attempt on the session after it was saved detected! Perhaps the chain of promises has broken.'
const ERROR_SESSION_KEY_NOT_DEFINED = 'Cannot access session data because this update does not belong to a chat, so the session key not available!'
* @module Session
* @typedef {object} SessionOptions
* @property {Function} [getSessionKey] Function for generating session key.
* @property {string} [property] Sets session property name in context
* @property {number} [ttl] Time to live
* @property {object} [store] Store
class Session {
* Constructor of session class
* @param {SessionOptions} [options] Options
constructor (options = {}) {
this[storeSym] = ?? new Map()
this[propSym] = ?? 'session'
this[keyGeneratorFnSym] = options.getSessionKey ?? getSessionKey
this[ttlSym] = options.ttl && options.ttl * 1000
this[storeSetMethodSym] = typeof this[storeSym].put === 'function' ? 'put' : 'set'
* Store getter
* Return store object given in constructor
* @return {object}
get store () {
return this[storeSym]
* TTL getter
* Returns current ttl in **seconds** or `undefined` value
* @return {number|undefined}
get ttl () {
return this[ttlSym]
* TTL setter
* Sets new ttl for session
* @return {void}
set ttl (seconds) {
this[ttlSym] = seconds
* Returns session middleware
* @return {Middleware}
middleware () {
const method = this[storeSetMethodSym]
const propName = this[propSym]
const getSessionKey = this[keyGeneratorFnSym]
return async (ctx, next) => {
const key = getSessionKey(ctx)
if (!key) {
Object.defineProperty(ctx, propName, {
get: () => {
set: () => {
return await next()
let afterSave = false
const wrapSession = (targetSessionObject) => (
new Proxy({ ...targetSessionObject }, {
set: (target, prop, value) => {
if (afterSave) showWarning(WARN_AFTER_SAVE_TEXT + ` [${propName}.${prop}]`)
target[prop] = value
return true
get (target, prop) {
if (afterSave) showWarning(WARN_AFTER_SAVE_TEXT + ` [${propName}.${prop}]`)
return target[prop]
deleteProperty: (target, prop) => {
if (afterSave) showWarning(WARN_AFTER_SAVE_TEXT + ` [${propName}.${prop}]`)
delete target[prop]
return true
const now =
const state = await Promise.resolve(
) || { session: {} }
let { session, expires } = state
// Wrap session to Proxy
session = wrapSession(session)
debug('session snapshot', key, session)
if (expires && expires < now) {
debug('session expired', key)
session = {}
Object.defineProperty(ctx, propName, {
get: () => session,
set: (newSession) => {
// Wrap session to Proxy
session = wrapSession(newSession)
const result = await next(ctx)
debug('save session', key, session)
const newSession = { ...session } // Bypass proxy
afterSave = true
await Promise.resolve([method](key, {
session: newSession,
expires: this.ttl ? now + this.ttl : null
debug('session saved', key, session)
return result
* Creates session middleware with given store and options
* ### Custom session property
* You can set custom session property using `property` option
* ```js
* bot.use(
* session({
* property: 'propName'
* })
* )
* ```
* For this example, session available in `ctx.propName`
* ### Custom session key
* By default, session key in storage generated with this function:
* ```js
* (ctx) => {
* return ctx.from && && `${}:${}`
* }
* ```
* For example, you can redefine this function for storing session with chat key, like this:
* ```js
* (ctx) => {
* return && `${}`
* }
* ```
* If you don't want to add session object, you can return `null` or `undefined` from this function.
* For example, session working only in chat updates:
* ```js
* (ctx) => {
* if ( === 'private') return null // When chat type is private `ctx.session` not available
* return && `${}`
* }
* ```
* ### TTL ( Time to live)
* This parameter can set in `ttl` option in **seconds**, expire time of session,
* by default session time not limited, but if you use in memory store like
* [Map]( or other,
* session be destroyed after bot restart
* @param {SessionOptions} [options] Session options
* @return {Session}
function sessionFactory (options) {
return new Session(options)
function getSessionKey (ctx) {
return ctx.from && && `${}:${}`
module.exports = sessionFactory